Connected By Our Roots

May 28, 2023

Dear Family,

It’s time to talk about our next Summerlin Family Reunion! We’ve decided on a date, booked the location, and are waiting to hear from you. We hope you will decide to attend. Pull up your calendar and save the date, May 28, 2023. Reach out to family members and begin the conversation about the reunion. We don’t want anyone that is interested to miss out on going! Our 2023 reunion theme is “Connected By Our Roots” and we’d love to hear more about you and your connection. See below for how you can begin that process now by registering early and providing some vital information about you and your family members.


Please click the “Registration” link in the “Read and Respond” tab and register you and your immediate family members. This will be so helpful in our planning and will make it super quick for you during the check-in process. There is a place here to enter your name and contact information and to indicate which ancestor you are descended from and list all members in your party. You can also download and print the registration form.

“A tree without roots will fall over”

Unknown Author


The 2023 Summerlin Family Reunion is open to all our kin! We want it to be affordable for all. That’s why there is no registration fee. With fish fry fundraisers, we have been able to collect quite a bit toward the reunion costs. Our t-shirts also help toward funding the event. However, donations can be submitted by clicking on the Donate Here button. This will ensure all costs are covered.

Connected by our Roots

We are all connected by our roots! No matter the circumstance, no matter the ancestor, no matter the history, you and me are connected somehow. And that’s what gathering together for another family reunion is all about. You’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with relatives you haven’t seen since the last reunion or maybe for even longer. It’s about meeting cousins you never knew you had. And, most of all, it’s about relationship with family and learning things about our history, both recent and through past generations.

“I wish I could relate to the people I’m related to.”

~Jeff Foxworthy
Riverwalk Center
  • Date: May 28, 2023
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm
  • Veteran’s Memorial Park Riverwalk Center
  • 600 N Indian River Drive
  • Fort Pierce, FL 34950

Take some time to look through the site and feel free to reach out to us with your comments, questions, or suggestions.

Connected By Our Roots,

~Polly Ann, Lucy, Peggy, and Dale

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